Itchy And Watery Eyes Treatment

Itchy Eyes, Causes, Symptoms And Treatment  Itching in the eyes is a common problem, but it can be serious if itchy eyes are not treated on time.There may be several reasons for itchy eyes, among which allergies and pollution are prominent.  They may cause itching or burning in your eyes. But you can use some … Read more

For Dry Cough Remedy

For Dry Cough Remedy – Home Remedies To Relieve Dry Cough. Whenever the weather changes, people are the first to complain of cold and cold and cough. Due to which many times the nose has to be closed and there is difficulty in breathing. Usually cold and cold are cured by taking medicines, but the … Read more

10 Home Remedies For Dry Cough

10 Home Remedies For Dry Cough – For Dry Cough Remedy. Although coughing is a normal physical activity, everyone usually coughs.  Whenever the weather changes, first of all a disease like cold cough knocks our body. This is a problem that can happen to anyone at any time.  But when cough persists for a long … Read more

Neck Pain one Side

Neck Pain one Side –  If You are Suffering From Neck Pain Then Read it now. Till a few years ago, the diseases that no one had thought about, today they are becoming part of our life. These physical problems like joint pain, backache, neck pain etc. are sometimes so painful that it is almost … Read more

Symptoms of Heart Attack For Male

Symptoms of Heart Attack For Male –    These 4 Symptoms Seen in Men Can Be indicative of ‘Fatal’ Heart Attack Heart attack is not fatal every time but every time its symptoms need to be taken seriously. He exhibits all sorts of symptoms before a heart attack. By taking a little care it can … Read more

Symptoms For Heart Attack in Females

Symptoms For Heart Attack in Females – Know 5 Major Symptoms of Heart Attack in Women… Apart from hormones, anatomical differences are also found in men and women, that is why there is a difference in symptoms, intensity etc. of any disease.  Know these 5 symptoms of heart attack in women – 1 Fatigue – … Read more

When Does The Heart Attack occur

When Does The Heart Attack occur – Most Heart Attacks occur at This Time ? Although a heart attack can happen to anyone at any time, but research has revealed those things that reveal the time when heart attacks are the most. Of course only you know about the things of your heart, but there … Read more

Treatment of heart attack

Treatment of heart attack – Take These Precautions For quick Recovery after heart attack. Special things. It is more important to pay attention to cholesterol in a heart attack patient. These 6 precautions can be prevented the second time the risk of heart attack Make healthy food included in your diet. Heart patients who have … Read more

Pain in Jaw Joint

6 Causes of Jaw Pain You May Not Know – Pain in Jaw Joint Jaw pain can affect your ability to eat and talk, even to laugh. Therefore, it is important to know what your jaw pain means in order to find a way to relieve it.   The most common cause of jaw pain … Read more