These 9 eating habits will keep your heart healthy for a long time, adopt them today itself.

A healthy diet is necessary to protect the heart from diseases. Therefore, our experts are telling you about some eating habits.

Earlier, people used to fall victim to heart disease only after the age of 50-60 years, but now young people are also falling prey to this disease. The biggest reason for this is change in lifestyle, disturbances in eating habits, stress, lack of exercise. Heart diseases are a leading cause of mortality in India. In the last few years, cases of heart related diseases have increased significantly. But a healthy diet is considered an essential component of the therapeutic lifestyle changes doctors recommend for the prevention and treatment of heart disease. Therefore, through this article, Dr. Tilak Suvarna, Senior Interventional Cardiologist, Asian Heart Institute, Mumbai, is telling you about 9 such habits for a healthy diet by which you can keep your heart healthy for a long time.

1. Foods rich in vitamins and minerals

Increase the intake of fruits, vegetables and salads in your diet which are good sources of vitamins and minerals and are low in calories but rich in dietary fiber.

2. Whole grains

Eat more whole grains instead of refined grains. Whole grains are a good source of fiber and nutrients that are essential for heart health. Whole grains include whole wheat flour, whole grain bread, high-fiber cereals, brown rice, oatmeal.

3. Avoid saturated fat

Avoid foods rich in saturated fat or cholesterol. These include deep fried foods, butter, high fat dairy products, processed meat, red meat. High cholesterol can lead to plaque accumulation in your heart arteries which can lead to heart attacks.

4. Include nuts

If you want to keep your heart healthy for a long time, then include healthy nuts like walnuts and almonds in your diet.

5. Reduce calorie intake

Reduce calorie intake. Foods like desserts, sweets, bakery items, sugary drinks as well as processed or refined foods add unwanted calories which can lead to weight gain, fat accumulation, and worsening of pre-existing diabetes. These are all factors that increase the risk of heart disease.

6. Reduce salt intake

Reduce salt intake in your diet. Consuming too much salt can cause high blood pressure, which in turn can damage your arteries and heart.

7. Flaxseeds

Due to the high fiber present in flaxseeds, it is very good for our health. But it is also very good for your heart health. One teaspoon of flaxseed daily helps in increasing HDL or good cholesterol.

8. Food level check

While buying things, check the food label and pay full attention to the calorie, sugar, salt and fat content present in it.

9. Control your diet

To keep your heart healthy, it is very important to control your diet. What you eat is more important than the amount of food you eat. Overeating can lead to excess calorie intake. Eat more low-calorie, high-fiber and high-nutrient foods and less high-calorie, high-fat and processed foods.

By adopting these 9 eating tips, you too can keep your heart healthy for a long time. Stay connected to Harzindagi to get more such information.

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